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Based in Australia, photographing people around the world.. Australia, North America, Asia....

Monday, May 17, 2010

From dust to dust returns.. Farewell to the Pines

As I arrived today at the Kings Park pines, with Snow White in toe.. I was greeted with loggers.. Taking down the Pines.. which have apparently been dead from disease for a while. 'Caution' barricade tape surrounded the whole plantation, and I spoke with the city council officer who confirmed that every last tree was to come down.
I took some photos, around 1.30pm and then returned around 6pm to take a few more. You can see how many more trees disappeared between the 2 shoots. I want to go back tommorow afternoon and take some shots of the last of it... so sad.. but unavoidable.
The pines has been a long standing favourite shoot location amongst Perth wedding photographers, as well as portrait photographers and nature enthusiasts.
A site to truley bring a tear to you eye.
Sometimes I find myself pondering the sadness of life.. everything that breathes.. must at some point die...
Here are the lasts breaths of the pines...

The above are the earlier photos, and below are the evening ones.

In the above image you can see the diseasedness of the trees.. Look at the top, and notice the lean.


  1. " As a flower blown out by the wind
    goes to rest and cannot be defined
    so the wise man freed from individuality
    goes to rest and cannot be defined.
    gone beyond all images-
    gone beyond the power of words " Sutra Nipata

    RIP beautiful pines! :o(

  2. Wow I love it.. Very powerful
